April-June 2023 Youth Permission Slip

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Permission Slip - Spring 2023

I, being the parent or legal guardian of the child named above, hereby consent to the participation of my child in the activites named below at Christian Life Church, Eliot ME. These events are sponsored by the Youth Ministry of Christian Life Church, Eliot ME.

I certify that my child is physically fit and able to participate in this event. I understand that transportation to and from this event may be by private cars. Understanding that reasonable care and safety standards will be upheld during the trip/event, I will not hold Christian Life Church, staff, or any adult chaperones on the trip responsible for any injuries to my child, travelling to, from, and during the event. I give permission for a chaperone to seek any reasonable medical help for my child should the need arise, understanding that I would be contacted as soon as possible.

The undersigned hereby releases and holds harmless Christian Life Church, Inc., their agents, pastors, staff, volunteers, and parents participating in the activities listed below: 1. From any and all liability for any mishap or injury to the child named herein from the time of departure to the time of return. 2. From any injury or damage resulting from the activity, mode of transportation, or the provider of any transportation, whether resulting from an accident or otherwise. 3. From any loss, destruction, or damage to any personal property.

In the event my child suffers a sudden illness, accident, or injury and neither parents nor guardians can be contacted, I give permission for any emergency treatment that is deemed necessary by a licensed physician.

By signing this permission form, I understand the following:
• Parents must provide a phone number where they can be reached during the event in case of an emergency.
• Parents will be called to pick up a child if the child leaves the building/property for any length of time and/or acts in a manner deemed unacceptable by the Youth Ministry's Leaders and/or Parent Chaperones.
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Emergency Contact Information

Emergency Medical Information

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